Who We Are

Supported by the Government, Community Sponsorship Ireland is a structured and responsible approach that enables local communities to directly support the resettlement of refugees fleeing conflict.

Community Sponsorship Ireland is led by the Irish Red Cross and supported by the Irish Refugee Protection Programme in the Department of Children, Equality, Disability, Integration and Youth and funded by EU Asylum, Migration and Integration Fund.

Irish Red Cross
Irish refuge Center

About the Irish Red Cross

Since its founding in 1939, the Irish Red Cross has been dedicated to serving people in need whether they are in Ireland or caught up in humanitarian crises in countries and regions throughout the globe.

Today the Irish Red Cross maintains an active network of over 3,000 volunteers at 75 branch locations based in large and small communities throughout the Republic of Ireland.

Irish Red Cross

“With the serious escalation in hostilities in Lebanon, these families are being displaced again and are struggling to access their most basic needs – food, shelter and clean water. We are keen to mobilise as many Irish communities as possible to step forward and offer their support. Now, more than ever, the need for safe and welcoming environments is critical.”

Niall O’Keeffe, Head of International and Migration at the Irish Red Cross 

About Doras

Founded in 2000 by a group of passionate volunteers in response to the establishment of the Direct Provision system, Doras has been working tirelessly since to promote and protect the rights of migrants and refugees in Ireland.

Doras supports thousands of people in Limerick and across the country, on issues of immigration and international protection, homelessness, domestic violence, trafficking for labour exploitation, employment, health and wellbeing, discrimination and more.

“We are united in wanting to offer refugees the opportunity to rebuild their lives in welcoming communities and we’re excited to work closely with new groups across Ireland to provide the support and friendship that makes integration successful and so enriches Irish society.”

John Lannon, CEO of Doras 

About Nasc

Nasc, the Migrant and Refugee Rights Centre was founded in the year 2000 to provide supports to migrants, refugees and asylum seekers and to advocate for their rights. Through our work, Nasc strives to promote equality and inclusion, and ensure that migrants have access to their rights and opportunities in Irish society.

“Community Sponsorship Ireland exemplifies the best of what Ireland has to offer – compassion, community, and our commitment to supporting those who’ve had to leave everything behind to find safety. We are proud to be a partner in this vital work and to continue to support incredible local volunteers and communities who can ensure refugees not only find safety but also a true sense of belonging in their new homes.”

Fiona Hurley, CEO of Nasc, the Migrant and Refugee Rights Centre.

About the Irish Refugee Council

The Irish Refugee Council provides services and support for people seeking protection and people recognised as refugees in Ireland, and advocate for humane and dignified protection procedures and responses to people fleeing persecution.

“We are deeply grateful to the communities and refugee families who have been at the heart of the Community Sponsorship Ireland Programme over the past five years. We are continually inspired by the resilience and commitment of groups and families, especially given the challenges of the past few years.”

Rory O’Neill, Integration Manager at the Irish Refugee Council.